Knowing 4 Types of Parenting Styles

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When it comes to parenting, generally there are 4 types of parenting styles. These 4 parenting styles were recognized by a lady named Diana Baumrind who was an expert in the arena of parenting. These 4 parenting styles are:

  1. Authoritarian parenting
  2. Permissive parenting
  3. Neglectful parenting
  4. Authoritative parenting

There are some significant differences among each of these parenting styles. One parenting style is more often than not considered the best among the 4. We will find out which is the best later in this write-up. Let’s discuss the 4 types of parenting styles in detail.


1. Authoritarian parenting

This style of parenting involves great expectations of conformity and obedience to parental rules and instructions. The issue with this style of parenting is that the parental rules & instructions more often than not change when the parent thinks to change them; hence the kid never actually understands what is expected.

The scenario can be defined as unjust and intimidating. A lot of kids raised by this style of parenting reside in a continual state of fear. They are susceptible to showcasing less self-confidence & become socially introverted. Some kids may also revolt by overtly disobeying their parents by leaving home at a tender age, be involved in drugs, smoke, and sexual behavior.

Further, dating or getting married to a girl/boy whom they know their parents don’t like.

2. Permissive parenting

This style of parenting involves a warm and affectionate relationship b/w parent and kid. However, it is distorted by low behavioral expectations.

To put it simply, in this style of parenting, parents are more often than not afraid of expecting anything from their children or pushing them to make standards in their lives.

This kind of parent just wishes the kid to love them ultimately and will carry out anything the kid demands. Kids raised by excessively permissive parents are likely to suffer from a lack of concentration, immaturity and issues with emotional self-regulation.

The kids do not have the authority over their impulses and don’t accept accountability for their own actions. When the kid gets into trouble, he will just blame somebody else even in case it was their own mistake.

They are inclined to live and remain close to where they were brought up, still dependent, in maturity.

3. Neglectful parenting

This style of parenting is very similar to permissive parenting. The neglectful parent might offer food and home, nevertheless is typically emotionally detached in the life of the kid.

A great instance of this will be parents that never ask their kids questions regarding their day, their acquaintances, or their school.

An ignored kid might have serious problems happening outside the home, nevertheless, the ignorant parent is never taking notice of them unless something potentially tragic takes place.

A lot of times kids grow up feeling angry with their parents for being ignorant. More often than not they get estranged from them when enter into adulthood.

4. Authoritative parenting

Last but not the least, this style of parenting is considered the best by many parenting experts i.e. authoritative parenting. This kind of parent has great expectations of the kid’s behavior whilst letting the kid discuss those expectations.

Parental rules & instructions inflicted on the kid are fair & articulated explicitly. The authoritative parent teaches the kid regarding cause & consequence, taking decisions and self reliance. In this parenting, parents raise kids that are successful, eloquent, content with themselves, and giving with others.

This outcome in them being loved & respected by their friends and facilitates them to be well-formed adults by and large. Authoritative parenting is the most common parenting style in the US and around the world.

Parenting experts also recommend this style of parenting when they are asked about the best parenting style.

The above mentioned are the 4 types of parenting styles that are most common across the globe. More often than not the most common parenting style is authoritative parenting.

However, if you are in doubt you can take the advice of a parenting expert regarding which style to choose. You can read more about these parenting styles on the internet. There are many websites and blogs dedicated to parenting.

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